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Delivery within Sweden

  • For purchases over SEK 5,000, we at Tônn furniture cover the shipping costs for standard delivery.

  • For purchases under SEK 5,000, a shipping fee of SEK 75 is added for smaller items that can be sent to a post office.

  • Further information on shipping costs is presented at checkout and may vary depending on the size of the shipment.

Delivery to the rest of the world

  • Outside of Sweden, you as the customer are responsible for the shipping costs

  • When buying outside the EU, you as a consumer are responsible for additional customs fees and other alternative fees for the import.

Freight suppliers within Sweden

  • For delivery within Sweden, we use DHL and Bring.

Freight suppliers to the rest of the world

  • Delivery within the EU takes place with Fedex.

  • Delivery to North America is by Fedex or UPS.

  • To the rest of the world, your shipment is sent with Fedex

Shipping policy

Shipping & Delivery


We ship with FedEx to almost every country in the world. Smaller goods are delivered to agents at a shipping cost from €15-55 depending on which country you live in. At checkout, the shipping options that are selectable for your particular order are presented with shipping fee.

Delivery times may vary depending on the country. We aim to deliver the products as quickly as possible, but we cannot guarantee specific delivery dates within the EU.

Within Sweden:

Free shipping on purchases over SEK 5,000. For purchase amounts below SEK 5,000, shipping costs will be added to the stated price. Smaller goods are delivered to agents at a shipping cost of SEK 75.  At checkout, the shipping options that are selectable for your particular order are presented. 

Within Sweden, the furniture is delivered with DHL to an agent or with home delivery to your plot boundary. Once we have received your order, we will contact you to schedule a delivery date. 


Non EU contries & Worldwide:

Keep in mind that it’s you as the recipient who pays customs duties and other fees when importing goods to non EU countries. Please make sure to check with the customs office of your country before placing an order. The shipping cost is depending on where you live and the size and weight of your order. 

We reserve the right for any delays in production. If your order deviates from the preliminary delivery time, we will notify you by e-mail.

Delivery times may vary depending on the country. We aim to deliver the products as quickly as possible, but we cannot guarantee specific delivery dates outside the EU.


For orders to countries outside the European Union, it is the recipient who pays customs and other fees for the import. Please make sure to check the regulations in your country before placing your order. 

Uncollected packages 

Packages that have not been picked up from delivery point within the specified time will be returned to TÔNN furniture by the shipping company at a cost. For all packages that are not collected, €40 is charged for the cost of return shipping and handling fee. 

You then have the opportunity to contact us to arrange a new shipping at a new shipping cost. 

Home Delivery 

When delivering by courier to your home it’s important that you are on site during the agreed time to receive your order and that we and the driver have the correct telephone number for the recipient. If you wish to change your telephone number, please let us know before we book the shipment. If you are not on site during the agreed time, we will charge a fee for a new delivery appointment to be made.

It is also important that the courier has free passage from your door to the place where the furniture is to be placed. Otherwise there is a risk of damage to other furniture in your home. We take no responsibility for things that stand in the way and breaks. If you have sensitive floors – cover them before delivery. Check that it is possible to transport the furniture in an elevator or that it is possible to enter through doors and stairwells. In winter, it is important that the road / entrance to the house is passable and ice-free. The road to the delivery address must be passable.

Force majeure

Force majeure is included in our terms of purchase to manage unforeseen events beyond our control. These may include natural disasters, wars, strikes, or other unexpected events that may affect our ability to fulfill our commitments to you as a customer. If a force majeure event occurs, this may result in delayed delivery or our inability to fulfill our commitments in the agreed manner. We reserve the right to be exempt from liability for such events according to applicable laws and contracts. We always strive to inform you of any delays and to resolve the situation in the best possible way. We thank you for your understanding and patience under such circumstances.